Poster Presentations 1

1 - Mayra Alija Fernández and Fernando Cuetos Vega (University of Oviedo) "Lexical access in the oral produccion of verbs"

2 - Harald Baayen (University of Nijmegen and MPI Nijmegen), Avital Deutsch, Ram Frost (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Raymond Bertram, Tuomo Häikiö (University of Turku), Nivja de Jong, Rob Schreuder and Fermín Moscoso del Prado Martin (University of Nijmegen and MPI Nijmegen) "Family size, frequency and word length effects across language borders: Dutch at the conceptual intersection of Finnish and Hebrew"

3 - Markus Bader (Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft Universitát Konstanz) "Retraction Decisions: Parsing vs. Interpretation"

4 - J. Bohan (University of Glasgow), A Newlands (University of Strathclyde) and A J Sanford (University of Glasgow) "Degrees of processing and memory load"

5 - Alexandra Cleland and Martin Pickering (University of Edinburgh) "Time Pressure and Syntactic Priming"

6 - Jenn-Yeu Chen and Train-Min Chen (National Chung-Cheng University) "Sources of the Implicit Priming Effect of the Syllable in Chinese Word Production"

7 - David P. Corina and Heather Knapp (University of Washington) "Psycholinguistic Studies of Sign Picture Interference: Effects of Phonological and Semantic Interference on ASL Production"

8 - Martin Corley, Rob Hartsuiker (University of Edinburgh) and Heike Martensen (Universiteit Antwerpen) "Lexical Bias in Phonological Speech Errors: A Related Beply to Baars et al. (1975)"

9 - Albert Costa, Brad Mahon, Virginia Savova and Alfonso Caramazza (Universidad de Barcelona) "Level of categorization effect: a novel effect in the picture-word interference paradigm"

10 - Nivja H. De Jong, Robert Schreuder and R. Harald Baayen (MPI and University of Nijmegen) "Lexical processing of ambiguous words: Effects of frequency and family size"

11 - Ming-Wei Ernest Lee (University of Cambridge), Emma Brown and Carmel Wolverson (Anglia Polytechnic University) "Children's production of subject-verb agreement: The effect of conceptual number"

12 - Ming-Wei Ernest Lee (University of Cambridge) "Effect of syntactic complexity on the implementation of subject-verb agreement in a non-native language"

13 - Peter Ford Dominey (CNRS Institut des Sciences Cognitives) "Language Acquisition Based on Associative Mapping of Grammatical Structure to Visual Scene Structure"

14 - Julie Franck (University of Geneva and Université catholique de Louvain), Stephany Cronel-Ohayon (University of Geneva and University Hospital Lausanne), Cornelia Hamann (University of Geneva), Luigi Rizzi (University of Geneva and University of Siena), Lara Baranzini, Laurence Chillier, Ulrich Frauenfelder and Pascal Zesiger (University of Geneva) "The role of syntactic structure on number agreement: a developmental perspective"

15 - Simon Garrod (University of Glasgow) "Interactive alignment in dialogue: evidence for parity of representations in production and comprehension"

16 - Silvia Gennari (University of Maryland) "Building temporal relations on-line"

17 - Zenzi M. Griffin (Georgia Institute of Technology) "Telling the future: How speakers time word preparation and articulation"

18 - Kerstin Hadelich, Matthew W. Crocker and Christoph Scheepers (University of Saarland) "Powerful Pictures: Priming Planning or Production or Both?"

19 - Holden Haertl (Humboldt University) "The conceptual inactiveness of implicit arguments: Evidence from particle verbs and object categorization"

20 - Robert J. Hartsuiker, Martin J. Pickering and Eline Veltkamp (University of Edinburgh) "Cross-linguistic syntactic priming in Spanish/English bilinguals: evidence for shared syntax"

21 - Sarah Haywood (University of Edinburgh), Martin J. Pickering (University of Edinburgh) and Holly P. Branigan (University of Edinburgh) "Co-operation and co-ordination in dialogue"

22 - Barbara Hemforth and Lars Konieczny (Freiburg University) "Proximity in agreement errors"

23 - Maren Heydel (University of Abertay) and Wayne Murray (University of Dundee) "Non-native processing of relative clause attachment ambiguity"

24 - John Hoeks and Laurie Stowe (University of Groningen) "Temporal Processing and Syntactic Complexity"

25 - Karin R. Humphreys (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and Dirk P. Janssen (Universitat Leipzig) "Speech errors and morphological structure"

26 - Frank Keller (University of Edinburgh), Christoph Scheepers, Stephanie Becker and Christine Foeldesi (Saarland University) "Context Effects on Verb Frame Bias"

27 - Angela Ku-Yuan Tzeng and Li-Hao Yeh(Chung-Yuan Christian Univeristy, Taiwan) "Lexical Access in the Processes of Associative and Semantic Priming"

28 - Vincenzo Lombardo (Universitat di Torino) and Patrick Sturt (University of Glasgow) "A dynamic tree adjoining grammar as the basis for the human parsing Mechanism"

29 - Nathalie Malardier, Patrick Bonin Alain Méot and Michel Fayol (LAPSCO/CNRS) University Blaise Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand) "Writing and speaking two bare nouns from pictures : The issue of dependency"

30 - Javier Marín Serrano, Javier Valenzuela Manzanares and Francisco Calvo Garzón (Universidad de Murcia) "The Creolization of Pidgin: A Connectionist Exploration"

31 - J.F. McLean, Branigan H. P. and Reeve H. M. (University of Edinburgh) "Speaker-centred syntax in dialogue: Evidence against cooperation"

32 - K. McRae (University of Western Ontario), Hare M. L. (Bowling Green State University) and Elman J. L. (University of California, San Diego) "An implemented constraint-based model of DO/SC ambiguity resolution"

33 - Alissa Melinger and Rasha Abdel Rahman (MPI) "Exploring the interaction between phonological and semantic distractor effects on speech production"

34 - Luisa Meroni, Andrea Gualmini and Stephen Crain (University of Maryland at College Park) "Universal Similarities in Children and Adults"

35 - Dr Michael Johnston (University of Melbourne) and Dr Ken McAnally (Defence Science and Technology Organization) "The influence of linguistic variables on the intelligibility of competing speech signals"

36 - Severine Millotte and Anne Christophe (CNRS-EHESS Paris) "Are phonological phrases exploited on-line for the syntactic analysis of spoken sentences?"

37 - Padraig G. O'Seaghdha (Lehigh University) and Kristine Schuster (Lehigh University) "Practiced Imperfection: Costs and Benefits of Experience in Word Production"

38 - Angeliki Salamoura (University of Cambridge) "Cross-linguistic structural priming and bilingual models of production"

39 - A.J. Sanford, L. M. Moxey and E. J. Dawydiak (University of Glasgow) "A theory of focus with negative quantifiers"

40 - Christoph Scheepers and Ralf Rummer (Saarland University) "Genre-Specific Parsing: Non-Additive Influences of Metrical Stress Pattern on Sentence Processing"

41 - Julia Simner (University of Edinburgh), Alan Garnham (University of Sussex) and Martin Pickering (University of Edinburgh) "Discourse Biases in Anaphor Comprehension"

42 - L. Robert Slevc and Victor S. Ferreira (University of California, San Diego) "Halting in Single Word Production: A Test of the Perceptual Loop Theory of Speech Monitoring"

43 - Katharina Spalek and Herbert Schriefers (NICI Nijmegen University) "Determiner competition in the production of noun phrases"

44 - Whitney Tabor (University of Connecticut) "Length Effects Revisited: Evidence for Dynamical Models"

45 - Marielle van Wilgenburg, Frank Wijnen and Hugo Quen (Utrecht University and Utrecht institute of Linguistics OTS) "Cardinals vs. Articles in Dutch Relative Clause Attachment"

46 - Anna Weighall Gerry Altmann and Alison McManus (University of York) "What type of interruption interrupts? An investigation of the processing of centre embedded subject relatives with adults and children"

47 - Thomas Weskott (University of Leipzig) "Information Structure and Local Discourse Interpretation: Processing the Left Periphery of German V2-Sentences"

48 - Heike Wiese (Humboldt-University) and Maria M. Pinango (Yale University) "Semantic features in language comprehension: Why 'cattle' can be primed by 'furniture'"

49 - Frank Wijnen (Utrecht University and Utrecht institute of Linguistics OTS) "Relative Clause Attachment in Jabberwocky and Syntactic Prose"