Friday 20 Spoken Papers Presentations:

Chair: Jukka Hyönä

9:00-9:30 : Scott McDonald and Richard Shillcock (Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh, Scotland) "Lexical statistics, predictability, and eye movements".

9:30-10:00 : D. Dahan (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands) and M. K. Tanenhaus(University of Rochester, Rochester, U.S.A)"Continuous integration of phonetic and semantic constraints on spoken-word recognition: Evidence from eye movements".

10:00-10:30 : Jeffrey T. Runner, Rachel S. Sussman and Michael K. Tanenhaus (University of Rochester) "Binding reflexives and pronouns in picture noun phrases".

10:30-11:00 : Pia Knöferle, Mathew W. Crocker, Christoff Scheepers (University of Saarland) and Martin Pickering (University of Edinburgh) "Anticipatory eye-movements in initially ambiguous sentences: There's more to it than meets the eye".

11:00-11:30 : COFFEE BREAK

Chair: Zenzi M. Griffin

11:30-12:00 : Peter C. Gordon (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Tamara Y. Swaab and C. Christine Camblin (Duke University) "Referential processing: Evidence from eye tracking and ERPs".

12:00-12:30 : Christian J. Fiebach (Max Planck Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Leipzig, Germany), Matthias Schlesewsky (Department of Linguistics, University of Potsdam, Germany ), Ina D. Bornkessel, Angela D. Friederici (Max Planck Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Leipzig, Germany) "Specifying the brain bases of syntax: Distinct fMRI effects for syntactic complexity and syntactic violations".

12:30-13:00 : Shravan Vasishth (Universitaet des Saarlandes, Computational Linguistics, Saarbruecken, Germany) "Distance effects or similarity-based interference?: A model comparison perspective".

13:00-13:30 : Whitney Tabor, Bruno Galantucci (University of Connecticut) and Daniel Richardson (Cornell University) "Self-Organization in Sentence Processing: Evidence from Local Ambiguities".


Chair: Rob Hartsuiker

15:00-15:30 : Anthony Sanford, Patrick Sturt, Eugene Dawydiak (University of Glasgow), Andrew Stewart (Unilever Research, Port Sunlight) "Depth of processing, underspecification, and text change-blindness".

15:30-16:00 : Zenzi M. Griffin (Georgia Institute of Technology) "What do speakers prepare when they prepare words in advance?".

16:00-16:30 : H. Wind Cowles and Victor Ferreira (University of Sussex and University of California, San Diego) "It's Not Just What You Say: The Influence of Discourse Status on Sentence Production".

16:30-17:00 : Victor S. Ferreira and Carla E. Firato (University of California, San Diego) "'That' as syntactic pause: Retrieval difficulty effects on syntactic production".

17:00-17:30 : COFFEE BREAK

17:30-19:30 : POSTER SESSION 1